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St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican – A Visit of a Lifetime

Rich in history, arts, architecture, and of course, the Roman Catholic religion, the St. Peter's Basilica is absolutely one place every christian should visit in their lifetime. You will need at least four hours to visit the entire basilica - to appreciate the sculptures, the paintings, the different altars, the La Pieta, and most of all, the main altar with the Holy Spirit centrepiece (symbolised by a dove). We attended the mass at one of the interior chapels, though in Italian. A few in our group were able to visit the tombs, the entrance to which was temporarily closed due to the number of visitors already inside. I took a lot of pictures (no flash photography allowed) which I'm sure I (and my family) will be looking at for the years to come. I could have spent the entire day walking around marvelling at the amazing sculptures, paintings and other artworks. One of the most important artworks is the Renaissance painter Michaelangelo's La Pieta, located on the right wing of the main entrance. Come early to avoid the long queue. It will help a lot if you can grab a guide book for the basilica, as you will be able to identify and learn more about the artworks, as well as the history of the Roman Catholic Church. Planning on visiting the basilica again within the next three to five years, and thereafter.



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